Cercion Melanotum (Selys,1865) 黑背尾蟌
珠海人 (2012/8/31 0:49:23) 浏览:845 评论:1
最早07和 08 年时在荷塘拍到它们,最近今年在某个空置的工地发现它们,这个空置的工地慢慢变成了沼澤地,水生植物生长茂盛,水下生物也随之而来。这里的黑背尾蟌数量不少,看着它们繁衍生生不息。


以下是网友对 Cercion Melanotum (Selys,1865) 黑背尾蟌 的评论:
What is the best method for me?
I am looking for the best method to be rich.
This place is correct for This? Limao
I am looking for the best method to be rich.
This place is correct for This? Limao
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